This web site is intended to provide current members, and all potential members, with basic information regarding the many services offered by Local 1205. Please return to this site often for updates and information.
Communication is one of the most important tools that members, Stewards, and officers of the Local Union have. That’s why each company in Local 1205 has Stewards who are elected by you, the membership. The Steward is the first line of communication, and is responsible for transmitting information to your Local and representing members in union and workplace matters.
Your Business Agents are responsible for representing you in grievance processing, contract negotiations, and various other issues. This Local Union has a Business Agent assigned to your Company to assist you whenever the need arises. In addition, they make regular visits to your Company. So whenever you need help or have a question, please contact our office.
Teamsters Local 1205 is proudly affiliated with the 1.4 million member International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Teamsters Joint Council 16, and the Long Island Federation of Labor.
As stewards of the labor movement, we take pride in the fact that we train our Shop Stewards and update members through many methods, including: bulletin board postings, monthly membership meetings, newsletters, emails and this website. Furthermore, your officers and Business Agents are continually updated on changes in the law and collective bargaining strategies, to ensure that you get the very best representation possible.
Local 1205's office is open Monday through Friday, from 8:00 a.m. until at least 4:00 p.m. After 4:00 p.m., you can leave a message for your agent on our voice mail system. We inform you of our regularly scheduled union meetings during the year. Special meetings are called upon request of the members. Your involvement in Local Union activities are of great importance to this Local Union, and will bring greater power and pleasure to you. Remember that this is your Union.